Percentage Calculator
Frequently asked questions
What is percentage ?
Percentage is the relative quantity and it represents the hundredth part of the any quantity. 1% is the 100th part of any quantity. Proportion is the same thing like percentage proportion is used to denote the how much part it is of the thing while percentage denotes the part per 100 part of that thing.
Percentage is calculated in term of 100th part of the amount while proportion is calculated interm of ration or portion of two things.
What is percentage calculator ?
Percentage calculator is an online tool from which you can calculate percentage online . Calculate percentage online with this free online percentage calculator.
Other information about percentage
What is the application of percentage
Percentage is generally used for calculations related to price, profit ,loss and other things in daily. we often use this percentage calculation in daily life where we are are .for example when we are in school we calculate the chances .Chance is also an aplication of percentage which is calculate by dividing possiblity and total outcomes.
other application of percentage
1 To calculate weight loss percentage
We many times care for our weight loss to be fit so we calculate of weight loss to check whether I am lossing weight or not , weight loss pecentage calculate is apllicable there to calculate the weight loss percentage
2 calculate percentage error
Percentage error is majorly used in math, physics and chemistry to calculate type of percentage change in experiment whether the changes of positive or negative in percentage.
3 calculate percentage increase
Percentage increase is mostly used in physics to calculate the percentage increase in length , area and volume. There are also many other use of percentage increse calculator like interest and loan calculations
Pecentage calculation steps
- write marks obtained
marks obtained is the mark which you get total avaiable marks . for example if you get 60 out of 100 marks then 60 is your obtained marks and 100 is your maximum mark.
- write maximum marks
maximum mark is the total mark
- calculate obtained marks/ maximum marks and then x by 100