Percentage Increase calculator
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What is the Percentage Increase ?
Percentage Increase is the difference between final value and starting value in the comparison to starting value .Percent Increase indicate positive changes in value of measurement , when we measure something in an analysis process.
How the percent Increase is calculated ?
Percent error can be calculated dividing the difference of final value and starting value to the starting value .
Follow the following step to know in details :
- Take the difference of Final value from starting value .
- Devide the above value from starting value.
- multiply it width 100
- Final value is the percent increase
Which is best percentage increase calculator
There are many calculator you can find for calculating percent increase .Go for official calculating website to find Percentage Increase Calculator
Percent Increase Example
Bellow examples will help in better understanding of percent increase :
- Mr John measured the area of a rectangular park to be 260 meter2.But second time while measured, the actual value has been recoreded as 262 meter2. Calculate the percent increase in measuring the park area ?
starting value = 262 meter2
final value = 260 meter2
steps of calculationPercentage Increase = (final value- intial value)/starting value
- calculate increase = final value - starting value =262-260 =2
- Divide it with starting value 2/260 =0.0076
- multiple with 100 to get % increase
Percent Increase= 0.0076x100
percent Increase= 0.7%